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Water Heater Burst and Leak Water Removal in Durham, NC
If your water heater has broken, you may require urgent service from a Burst Water Heater Water Damage Restoration Expert like Carolina Water Damage Restoration, in Durham, NC. A broken water heater that bursts usually will create a flood very quickly, the water may damage carpets, floor boards, and other areas around the water heater. If your water heater is on an upper floor, it may even cause water damage to the floors below. In some instances, you may notice water stains or mold growth around your water heater which may be a sign of a slower leak. Slow leaks should also be addressed as soon as you notice them. This is because a slow leak may have already caused mold growth or more severe water damage, even if it’s a small leak.
If at any time you suspect you have a leaky or broken water heater that has caused water damage to your home, call us at 919-302-2729 or contact us online.
Leaky Washing Machine and Overflow Water Cleanup in Durham, NC
Water Damage from Washing Machine leaks and overflows may occur at any time from accidental misuse or appliance dysfunction. Homes and apartments with washing machine units located on the second floor, or higher, may risk further water damage concerns. Water can seep into surrounding carpets and lead to mold growth and general water damage to the surrounding areas of the washing machine. Water damage might even spread to the ceiling of the room below. Even if you believe that you have removed enough water that and carpet feels dry at the surface, you might be surprised how much water has already seeped into the floor. If you are in Durham, NC and your washing machine is causing water damage please contact Carolina Water Damage Restoration for 24/7 response. For a free consultation please call 919-302-2729 or contact us online.

Dishwasher Water Damage Cleanup in Durham, NC
A dishwasher leak, overflow, or pooling of water inside the unit may occur at any time for numerous reasons. These issues may occur during any part of a washing cycle and are often difficult to control or clean up when they happen. Our on-call 24/7 emergency team of water damage technicians are ready to assist and resolve any water damage that occurs from a dishwasher flood. Our water damage restoration technicians are experienced and certified for water and mold damage restoration service. We will restore the water damaged areas of your kitchen back to their previous condition.
Free consultations are available in Durham, NC and the surrounding area. You may call us at 919-302-2729 or send us a detailed message online by filling out our contact form.
Leaky Refrigerator Water Cleanup in Durham, NC
Refrigerator leaks are typically slow and stem from the water line behind the fridge being torn or cracked. As water is spreading gradually from the opening in the hose the damage goes unnoticed, until signs of water damage arise around the refrigerator. Sometimes this goes on for weeks or months. The signs to look for are water spreading over the floor or water spots on the wall behind the fridge, which may also be a sign that mold growth could appear next.
If you have any questions or concerns about water damage or mold growth in your home please contact our experts from Carolina Water Damage Restoration, in Durham. We are available 24/7 and you may call us at 919-302-2729 or you may send us a detailed message by filling out our contact form.